Yrityssalon Ukrainatiimi tiedottaa ajankohtaisista 08/2022




Yrityssalon Ukrainatiimin ajankohtaiset 08/2022

Pitkin kesää Yrityssalon Ukrainatiimi on tiedottanut tekemisistään eri somekanavissa. Kokosimme yhteen kesän tuloksia ja mitä juuri nyt on meneillään. Ukrainatiimin terveiset alla englanniksi.

Useat Saloon saapuneet ukrainalaiset ovat ilmaisseet, että heillä on kiinnostus päästä töihin nopeasti. Ukrainasta Suomeen tulevat voivat hakea tilapäistä suojelua, joka mahdollistaa oleskeluluvan saamisen nopeasti sekä rajoittamattoman työnteko-oikeuden. Henkilöt voivat myös opiskella Suomessa.

Ota rohkeasti yhteyttä meihin, jos sinua kiinnostaa tarjota ukrainalaisille osaajille töitä, haluat selvittää löytyisikö heistä osaajia yritykseesi tai aihe muuten kiinnostaa!

Juha Metsänoja p. 044 546 0043 | Tommi Virtanen p. 044 547 7711
| Kateryna Pinchuk p. 050 5150 701 (contact in english) tai etunimi.sukunimi@yrityssalo.fi

Greetings from Yrityssalo’s Ukraina Team


What has been done

Today 40 Ukrainian talents have been employed and more than 200 has been in contact with us. In contact means that either we have helped them to open the bank accounts, tax cards, or they are actively waiting for us to suggest them with the new job vacancies.

We prepared a short video for you about how employment with Yrityssalo is going and some feedback of 10 satisfied Ukrainians. The video is unfortunately in Ukrainian and Russian, but English and Finnish languages is an ongoing process for Ukrainians.


We want to ask you to fill in our  survey link (here) where you can tell us which kind of talents you are interested to find for your company and we will gladly assist you with this.



Recruiting organisations we do cooperation with

From recent time we started cooperating with two recruiting companies VPS Henkilöstövuokraus and Bolt Henkilöstöpalvelu. We are actively suggesting our Ukrainians to fill out an application at Bolt, a recruitment company. We believe, that the cooperation is increasing the possibilities to be employed faster and to achieve common goal together is always easier. Bolt helps employers and employees to find each other’s via their BOLT application.

VPS is another Organisation with whom Yrityssalo is cooperating a lot in terms of employment. We are very similar with them, as both of us are middle party which is helping everyone in need to find employment.


Finnish language courses

Employment is not the only thing that we do for Ukrainians. Our Ukrainians are actively learning the Finnish language to be one step closer to Finnish employers and society. Yrityssalo is cooperating a lot with Edusalo. Together we managed to achieve the first language class that already started two weeks ago .

At the moment we are actively making preparations for the second. These courses are oriented on the professional life vocabulary to relieve the communication side at work. As that is the beginners level courses are giving the image of the Finnish language (which Ukrainians consider as very beautiful), some crucially important words in daily life, grammar, is helping to put the accent to pronounce the words correctly.


What other activities Yrityssalo is doing

All of us have been brainstorming for a while to organise for student some get together events. The first thing we were thinking to make is interest dating. Is like speed dating but more cool. Here students have opportunity to meet likeminded people and exchange points of views on their common interests. In plan is also to have board games, movie nights and much more. Hope we managed to intrigue you. We are looking forward to meet all of you already in August in Salo IoT Campus.

Please be in contact with us when yoyu have some issues regarding Ukraina.

Kateryna Pinchuk p. 050 5150 701 (contact in english, ukrainian or russia) | Juha Metsänoja p. 044 546 0043 | Tommi Virtanen p. 044 547 7711 | tai etunimi.sukunimi@yrityssalo.fi